AußenwirtschaftsCenter Stuttgart



Session 15 | panel international trade and sustainable development

International trade has numerous effects on economic, ecological and social sustainability. Around 35% of manufacturing jobs in Austria are secured by export firms, which ensure high living standards for 1.5 million employees. With a turnover of EUR 9.7 billion (2015) and an export share of 72% Austria’s environmental technology industry contributes to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals globally. Globalization and trade contribute globally to higher incomes. Furthermore, studies indicate that environmental damage is in many cases reduced once a certain per capita GDP has been reached, e.g. due to behavioural changes. Thus, already the income enhancing effects from global trade can contribute to ecological sustainability. Through globalization and the related transfer of innovative technologies and know how, enterprises and private individuals receive the tools and goods needed to reduce emissions and to mitigate the negative effects from climate change. This process also allows to render production processes cleaner. Trade agreements are an important route for the EU to foster sustainable development globally. They support the ratification and effective implementation of multilateral agreements such as the Paris Agreement or the ILO Core Labour Standards, thus strengthening the international agenda for sustainable development and spreading high environmental and social standards globally. Measures motivated by ecological sustainability can, however, also entail negative global ecological consequences, if they excessively hamper economically sustainable economic activity. If an enterprise in Austria is at risk to lose its international competitiveness due to excessive ecological constraints, it may be prompted to shift production to regions with lower environmental standards. This is not supportive of ecological sustainability at a global scale. Our publication “Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft 2019/2020“ deals with these and related topics. It addresses the current state of play and framework conditions for global trade as well as for Austria’s foreign trade relations. A particular focus is on the intersection between the themes of global trade and sustainable development. Careful and differentiated analyses are needed to gage overall effects on sustainability.


Energie- und Kreislaufwirtschaft in Algerien und Tunesien

Chancen, die der traditionelle und alternative Energiesektor, aber auch die Recyclingwirtschaft bietet Algerien hängt noch zu stark am traditionellen Öl-und Gassektor; Energie ist billig, weil noch stark subventioniert, dennoch muss auch Algerien allmählich umdenken, denn die starken Preisschwankungen am Weltmarkt für Kohlenwasserstoffe zwingen dazu, Subventionen zurückzufahren und andere Devisenquellen zu erschließen; dazu gehört auch, die Gans die goldene Eier legt (Sonatrach) am Produzieren zu halten und den Eigenverbrauch von 44 Mio. Algeriern nicht weiter steigen zu lassen, sondern die erforderliche Energie alternativ zu erzeugen! Die Sonnenenergie und der Wind bieten dazu das beste Potential im Land! Tunesien, das selbst geringere Kohlenwasserstoffvorkommen hat, ist im Bereich der alternativen Energien aber auch des Recyclings von Rohstoffen schon weiter entwickelt und hat auch schon eine Gesetzgebung, die Einspeisetarife für Investoren von Photovoltaikanlagen vorsieht! Die Recycling-Wirtschaft ist natürlich stark von der Entwicklung der Weltmarktpreise für zu rezyklierende Rohstoffe abhängig, dennoch ist Tunesien gewillt, stärkere Akzente zu setzen; als Touristenland kann man sich auch nicht erlauben, dass die Müllberge in den Himmel wachsen und die Kreislaufwirtschaft bietet –auch für Investoren-und lokale Firmen ein interessantes Betätigungsfeld. Besuchen Sie unser Webinar und hören Sie unseren Experten zu; Sie werden es nicht bereuen!


Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference 2020 - First virtual edition!

The Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference is a B2B event connecting users and providers of artificial intelligence solutions. The focus of the conference: At the top of the agenda will be how artificial intelligence is already being used in real world businesses. This year’s Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference will take place entirely online, with participants logging in to the full program of keynotes, 1-to-1 meetings, workshops and networking via their smartphone, browser, or tablet. Participation is free of charge for companies that complete their personal profile and proactively engage in the virtual networking sessions. ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA is organizing the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network and AI Austria. Some 600 participants from over 25 countries are expected. Among the participants are leading international experts like computing pioneer Eng Lim Goh, Senior Vice President of HPE, and -- joining from Montreal, one of the world’s top AI hotspots -- Alex Shee, Head of the Office of the CEO and Corporate Development at Element AI, one of the fastest growing companies in the AI field. In addition to the pre-arranged B2B meetings, keynotes from top international experts and panel discussions on sustainability and ethics, location, competition, and achieving success in exports, delegates will also be able to take part in a series of in-depth workshops. More and more companies are considering the use of intelligent self-learning technologies that can help them to drive sales and profits. Efficient use of the right technologies in the right place can give companies a decisive competitive advantage. Find out what these developments can mean for your company at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference! Participation is free of charge, but online registration is required at , where you can also publish your online delegate profile.






