WNT supports Nicolai in the manufacturing of high quality bike frames

NICOLAI-Bikes is located in Lübbrechtsen, which is basically in the middle of nowhere in northern Germany. NICOLAIs headquater is an old farm building from the 19 th century. In these quiet athmosphere some of the best bike frames in the world are made. NICOLAI focuses on craftmanship, excellant welding quality and the love for the little details. 100 % made in QLF-tal. 100 % made in Germany. Twenty years ago,Karlheinz Nicolai, called Kalle, let his dream come true, to build up a bicycle factory. He started in a garage in collaboration with two hired welders. Since this point in time NICOLAI grew up to 25 people. All NICOLAI frames are handmade. Every single one is unique and customized, The customer can choose for the frame size and the colour of every single frame part. NICOLAI frames are developed in Lübbrechtsen. We are more than happy to show you around.






